Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Laws of Power in Poker

Writing a post before I go to sleep.  I've been playing poker more frequently in the past few months and am starting to play Online Poker cash games, with limited experience playing with friends and practicing online before as well.  When it comes to the real deal, and money is on the line, or your playing tournament poker, it becomes different.  

Before I start, want to thank everyone for all the great comments, reading some great blogs and will reply back to everyone soon.  I'll try and keep it interesting...  Check out my other blogs if you haven't already on my My Profile, may start a few more blogs soon, going to make the blogs cleaner and run them on a domain soon, thanks for all the support!

Laws of Power in Poker

Serious Poker players, and i'm talking about the professionals in both types of games, since it requires a high level of discipline, timing, patience, and luck.  Everyone has a different style, even if you practice the same strategy, and that is why I personally believe that is why some people win more than others, can grind their bankroll higher, and thus become a more powerful player in the game.

In other words, they play tight and aggressive and fold most of their hands, and play tight on the button, when they are at the most powerful position.  Those who play poker probably know what i'm talking about, but for those who don't, i'll try and rephrase that.  Basically your utilizing a system that requires a strict discipline in the hands you play, depending on your position on the table.  Minimum bets called blinds force the players to make bets on the pot (prize money) before each hand is dealt.

I'm not a very great player yet, but I know that it takes commitment to study and learn the game before being able to grind to a higher bankroll, meaning winning and making money and playing in higher stakes games.  Theres a lot of resources online for beginner poker players who want to raise their next game to the next level, and that is how powerful poker players end up playing consistently throughout tournaments and also sometimes cash games.

I bet there are a lot of principles that could be applied to the game, depending on your style of play, and how you are successful.  Poker is just one way that people earn their living, and it's not really a very large population.  The only way the industry can be successful is if people are losing... The fish in the ocean getting eaten by larger sharks.  It's a rat race to the top, but the spoils could be rewarding, if of course, you have the patience to learn and improve upon every game.

Poker is a game susceptible to constant change in the flow of the game.  Players must be able to try to predict their opponents hands, a skill known as card reading.  Percentages are involved in the calculations a player must make before determining if his card will be stronger than the opponent.

As human beings, many of us like to gamble at times, and if unwatched, can become an addiction, basically like everything else.  Learning the rules of poker is the most important at first, then applying the laws of power that govern the game and using that to create consistent and winning strategies.

I think we could learn a lesson or two from the discipline practiced by professional poker players, sometimes the decisions faced on the table are very tough ones, and it takes a powerful amount of inner strength to keep composed and let emotions affect judgement.

This exemplifies game theory, something you might know about.  It's a zero sum game, in the end its a winner takes all the opponents money, therefore its all about outlasting your opponent.  Winning at poker is probably possible for most people, just like it is with making money from blogging, or starting an online business.  We hear about it and think, "Oh hey, it would be great to win doing something like that, but its going to be tough."  The "problem" is that it takes a certain amount of work and dedication, different for each peron.

Nothing really comes easy for most people, even if you are already rich, or famous, you still have to be constantly applying the laws of power in your everyday decisions to maintain, improve, and live your life.

Phew, that took a while to type, and to those who asked me, I usually spend around half an hour writing these posts, and directly come from my own experiences.  Look forward to future posts, make sure to check out my other blogs on my profile.

Thanks for all the great comments, i'll be checking out your blogs again soon and returning comments and/or questions.  I'll try and update my pages soon, would be more organized under one website and with a more smooth appearance.  Thanks.


Frank said...

Dude... Good thing to get people into online poker but don't educate the fish (not that this post is anyways educational) and if you do post something get your stuff straight (although, I'll repeat, don't educate the fish :P) it's not a zero sum game but a negative sum game...

If you don't know why I'll say one word: Rake...

Archivist said...

I myself play a very conservative style.

Anonymous said...

good stuff man, i don't think i could ever play poker professionally though, just too stressful.

!Antibiootikum said...

Some useful tips to beat my buddies!

Archivist said...

just go with the flow, thats what i say.

melinko said...

the fact that someone can win consistly at poker proves the exsistance of esp lol

ShredGuitar said...

Very nice!

Skyshock said...

whos that girl :D

RandomlyRated said...

I'm a total loser at poker, maybe your tips will make me better ^^

Hotsaucer said...

I tend to get decent-good hands when I play poker, but I don't know how to play with people's heads to get the to bet into my hand.

Krow said...

This and a good po po po po po po po po pokerface

Valmere said...

I love poker :D

joanna.elherro said...

poker is an art

Anonymous said...

I took a game theory class in college, you guys should check that out its very very interesting

luckymud said...

100th follower right here! you love me.

PullTheTrolly said...

Good read, can really see a profit in poker, even though it comes down to luck at first before you learn all the tricks.

BLUERAD said...


Yes I love you =D

Also in the process of replying everyones comments and visiting and reading your blogs, takes me at least an hr everyday since i'm meeting a lot of new and interesting bloggers everyday!

Next posts are going to be even better, honestly, I was slightly greened out while writing this, which also contributed to my losses yesterday against a seasoned tournament player.

HiveNode said...

Is that dawn of war 2?

Dave said...

and for gosh sakes don't ever go into a hand unless you've got cowboys or bullets.

Unknown said...

I can say poker is NOT my game, haha. Absolutely suck at it.

The Greater Spartan said...

Fuck i always loose on poker but great post !!

DJOHAR said...

Very informative, I guess I've never really looked at poker that way. Perhaps some summer when I have free time I'll teach myself to play well, then try to win some money. :)

Saryn said...

Never knew this about the game. I think I'll use this info to level myself up. Thanks.

Kevin said...

nice tips

The Reviever said...

I think that most pro players just give tips to beginners so they can feed on them in "real" game...

Bruno said...

I want to learn how to play poker so fucking bad

Hank Noir said...

i love playing poker, but i usually play casually with mates.

Claire J. said...

You're making me want to go play Poker!

neon_shaman said...

This is really interesting, I was reading some of your older posts too.
The idea of cataloguing power as a way to improve your life is very compelling.

Lulz said...

me tooo!!

n00buser said...

I am a poker nub. Blackjack is the only game I know how to play.

The Angry Vegetarian said...

Very good post. I used to be heavily involved in poker. Just kind of faded away recently, though :(

Rendakor said...

Good read; I've only played poker casually but I understand the game well enough to see where you're coming from.

hotfluffypankake said...

I've never played, am I a fish then? Play me in any board/card game and I'll probably loose. But maybe I'll give it a try. I might be really good and not even know it...maybe.

Adamantium said...

I always try to change my mood and my playstyle so I seem like an erratic unpredictable player, when really I am calm and calculating on the inside. People find it hard to figure out the truth with me, but not because I am blank, or have a good poker-face, and that is an advantage.

BLUERAD said...

Thanks for all the great comments, working hard on answering back to everyone and reading your blogs, loving what im seeing

also @ Adamantium

Good point, thats what it takes