Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rule #8: Make Other People Come to You - Use Bait if Necessary

 Law 8
Make other People come to you – use Bait if Necessary

"When you force the other person to act, you are the one in control.  It is always better to make your opponent come to you, abandoning his own plans in the process.  Lure him with fabulous gains – then attack.  You hold the cards."

Hey everyone, it's been a few days since i've updated this blog since I was busy studying for my final midterm this week.  It's getting pretty late but i'll finish writing this post and finally head to sleep.  Thanks for all the comments on my last few posts, i'll be doing more of my blog reading in the morning, and wish to see more and interesting fresh content on your sites.

I've read some of your feedback, and if you haven't posted something there already, I would really appreciate it if you tell me how I can better write interesting posts.  This particular topic I found to be a bit more boring than the other laws, but do not worry, theres a lot more good stuff to come.  Anyways i'll begin....

M A K E   O T H E R   P E O P L E   C O M E   T O   Y O U  -   U S E   B A I T   I F   N E C E S S A R Y


Did you know the President of the United States has a well furnished (and intimidating) Oval office within Air Force One?  The reason why great leaders make people come to them is because they understand that one of the keys to power is to try and maintain a "home court" advantage, holding negotiations where you feel comfortable.  For thousands of years, powerful warriors knew that they had a better chance of defeating their enemies if they could bait them into a scenario where they could exercise full force and keep their opponents on their toes at all times.

"Good warriors make others come to them, and do not go to others.  This is the principle of emptiness and fullness of others and self.  When you induce opponents to come to you, then their force is always empty; as long as you do not go to them, your force is always full.  Attacking emptiness with fullness is like throwing stones on eggs."
Zhang Yu, eleventh century commentator on The Art of War

art-of-war_YfrCX_5784Throughout history, great leaders have fallen because they were too aggressive, not knowing when to fall back and lay traps which saves energy and time while drawing your opponent into a situation where they will be weakened.  In the game of power, you should be focusing on long term power rather than quick victories.  "Remember:  The essence of power is the ability to keep the initiative, to get others to react to your moves, to keep your opponent and those around you on the defensive."

Different situations will determine whether or not this tactic will be effective or not.  If you have the luxury of time and your opponents are of equal strength, then make them come to you.  Fast attacks are useful, however, if time is of he essence and you know that you are already more powerful than your enemies.  This works well because they will be caught off guard and with little to no time to think, people will become nervous and make errors of judgement.

Remember that this law can be applied to the things we do today.  Imagine that you are hunting a bear in the woods with your father.  What would be the smartest way to hunt the bear?  Running around the whole forest looking for it, then shooting it down?  Or would it be smarter to lay a honeyed trap near its dwelling, and wait for a clear shot?

Thanks for reading, please check out the next post which I will be applying your feedback to, and if you haven't given any, please take some time to do so!


MoneyNaoPlz said...

Some good points man, i'll take them into account!

The Greater Spartan said...

Derp nice.

Anonfourtwenty said...

Those are some sketchy quotes you found dude, good read.

Gurney said...

There are tons of ways to make an office look very intimidating to someone without them really knowing exactly why. awesome blog

GRRO said...

great post! really got me thinking

Dan said...

Hmm I agreed with everything, up until he last comment. Baiting a bear seems lame to me. I would rather be a predator and hunt the best down!
Also, It is nice to have others eat out of the palm of your hand.

Nominator said...

interesting... very interesting. great post good points covered

Quinn Electronics said...


CAE.II said...

This is a great post. Definitely shows a lot of insight. Love the tips!

MrD said...

Good read man. Will come in handy in my career

Eferhilda said...

Basically fighting them on your home Turf. That gives you the immediate advantage and most people can see this and how it works if they play video games at all. In boss fights its best to let them make the first attack so that you can learn their pattern. Usually if they attack and miss you that leaves them open for you to attack. Same can be applied in the real world as well but I just figured it would be fun to use a video game analogy. :D

The Angry Vegetarian said...

I love your posts. I love how thoughtful they are and your use of pictures. I don't know why, but it makes everything more enjoyable to read. Perhaps that's my bait. said...

really great read, keep it up

El Trombone said...

So enlightening... love coming here.

Phil McKracken said...

Another great post! Please keep up the good work.

NanoJen said...

Awesome post! Such a good strategy when possible, and "make them come to you" can have so many applications.

BLUERAD said...

Thanks for all the great comments :) I'll be answering all your comments shortly, a few more hundred to go, but its still fun cause I see a lot of your content is improving everyday.

Discerning Gentleman said...

This is some great advice... thank you!

Shelby Fox said...

Yo your website is really slow for me. Is it just me or is anybody else having this problem? I'm on my netbook but still, shoulnd't be this slow.

thanks for the post, though, man.

Life Saver said...

good points here

Light Weight Baby! said...

This is deep.

Jimmy Volmer said...

haha, awesome

Nerd Life said...

I agree with all of this... I am the bear

Kimokik said...

I'm liking this lots, thanks mate. Will be keeping up with you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I need to know how to do stuff like this.

Thomasheen said...

Interesting read man


nice, buddy! thnx for the info.

level85nerd said...

nice read! and nice tips :)

JP said...

nice, i like how you can play with someone elses mind ;)