Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Power of Words

Hey everyone, writing this post a little differently than usual, focusing today on the Power of Words which is going to be completely written by myself

Thanks for the comments on my last posts, and I mentioned this before, but expect some surprises in this blog in the near future.  Wouldn't want you all to get bored and used to what i'm writing about anyways.  My goal is to to keep it interesting day in and day out, also feel free to leave any feedback that you wish.  Hope you enjoy this post, keep updated, the next topics i'm going to be blogging about are going to be quite interesting.  Make sure you keep tuned in so that you don't miss out!


Words are how most of us communicate in this world, and even if we have a great personality, good body language, and a lot of energy, we can create great misfortune upon ourselves depending on what words we choose in our everyday lives.

I bet you know of someone, maybe your friend, neighbor, or parents, who are constantly saying things like: "It's too expensive, i'll never be able to afford it," or perhaps "It's too difficult, I won't even bother trying."  When you think about it, we say A LOT of things everyday that affect the way we think, the way we feel about things, and the way we react to other people and base our decisions upon.

Whenever we speak, the words are etched deep into our own minds, and also into the minds of the people that hear our message.  Over time, patterns are created and good or bad habits can be formed and sometimes, we get used to the words that we repeat over and over again.  This is not always a good or happy thing. 

Imagine a friend that you have known for a long time, whenever you see him or her, you can already probably predict what will come out of their mouth judging by their body language and expressions.  It is easy to continue to use negative words in our everyday speech, but the main goal of power is to try and always use and think of words that will create a positive impact on yourself and others, and keep your energy, chi, or whatever you want to call it, balanced.

Power of Words

So now onto the main topic, how do I fix my bad habits with words and turn them into good habits?  The first step is to consider your current mindset, and relate it to the reality in which you are placed upon.  Perhaps you are a middle class student currently studying at University, struggling to create a decent income, and still completely unsure of what you want to do with your life.  Maybe you are semi-well off already but have gone through endless broken relationships, and wonder when you will finally meet that right person.

Now consider this, if I told you that words have the power to shape your reality, you might instantly become cynical and say, "Thats ridiculous, I could keep saying happy things over and over but i'd only be deluding myself."  To that, I would answer, YES, you are screwed, that is the reality you are creating for yourself with the words you have just spoke to me.  Afterwards, you might say "W-What..?  I thought you were trying to help me?..."

People love turning themselves down, since they want positive reinforcement by saying things like, "Oh i'll never be able to do it...."  Or " I'm sure i'm going to fail that test," because they want others to come in and tell them that they can do it.  If you have to rely on others to motivate you all the time, you are not going to get very far in life.  Self-motivation is crucial, and makes all the difference between a powerful and a weak individual.

Some people say, "I'll never be able to afford this," instead of saying "How can I change my bad spending habits so I can afford this in the future?"  Others might say "I'll never get that promotion, I have been a terrible worker and everyone is better than me," instead of saying "How can I work hard to improve myself and show them that I am worthy of a promotion."

In both cases, the first quotation shows how people can become locked to a reality that they essentially created on their own accord.  The problem is solidified endlessly by negative words which are not open ended at all.  There is only one reality you make when you speak with this sort of mindset, and that is failure.

Now look at the bolded quotations, read them carefully, and what do you notice?  There is a choice affixed to it, and also the underlying question that identifies your goals and allows you to reflect and consider what you need to do to make things right.  When you start to break away and chip at these barriers, a new reality is paved for you, and it is up to you whether or not your want to walk this road and open the doors that lie ahead.  Creating this mindset not only deters you from failure, but illuminates the way to SUCCESS and POWER.

Final Words

Remember that you know yourself best and you should be truthful to yourself no matter how much it hurts.  The only way to become more powerful and build good habits is to start incorporating the necessary words to begin reshaping your life in a positive way.

How many times have you seen one of those success stories on television and thought, "Man, I wish that was me, that guy is so lucky but i'll never be able to do that."  Why do you think like that, what mental/physical/health barriers must you overcome before you can start to say or think "How did that man become so successful?  I ought to re-evaluate my own skills and weaknesses, and i'm sure that i'll be able to accomplish even more than I would expect."

Start off my being realistic.  Words are important, but in reality they cannot do everything for you.  Take some time to reflect and ponder about what really makes you happy, and seek outside help if you need it.  Remember that you are rarely alone in the quest for power.  There are an infinite amount of allies that are here to support you if you allow yourself to reach them.  Good luck, hope you enjoyed reading this.


BLUERAD said...

Oh yeah i'll be answering all of your comments soon, a bit backlogged but will do so very soon =)

Anonymous said...

I've never really thought of words this way. Great post, man.

Drackar said...

Communication is nothing but words and stance. Without words, you can get the gist through, usually, but no deeper meaning.

Unknown said...

Great, I agree with you man. I believe in power of words and thoughts, cuz they've a peculiar own vibration, which could interfere with all things around us.
We can create our own life in this world.

Brogger said...

Wow.. Great Information, just an over all great post! Keep up the good work :) said...

power of words are amazing said...

power of words are amazing said...

power of words are amazing

The Angry Vegetarian said...

Very good post. People don't realize you can change a lot if you just think and speak just a bit different. By making even the slightest alteration you can slowly change things for the best. It's the kind of stuff you hear motivational speakers talk about, but it's true.

Gurney said...

Great post! keep em coming. gonna be Alpha as all hell thx to you

trashpandas said...

Love the Henry Ford quote! True story~

Rendakor said...

Very informative, but makes a lot of sense. You are what you think you are.

Runna said...

Deep stuff man , why aren't you on msn ?

El Trombone said...

Yeah, that's the essence of power right there...

Phil McKracken said...

Great post. Loving what you are doing with your blog.

Nominator said...

so much info

Amberclad said...

true words man...